Lotus Notes to Exchange Conversion - Version 2.0 Lotus Notes to Exchange Conversion method comes withextra-ordinary abilities with the package of MailMigration Wizard software. It can be flawlesslyaccomplishes Domino to Exchange Migration without moreeffort. We facilities to our users a cost-effectivesolution which not only perform Domino to ExchangeMigration but also converts Lotus Notes to Outlook,Bulk NSF to PST, Domino to Outlook and Lotus Notes toExchange simultaneously without single bit of datalose. It is very low in cost comparison than other 3rdparty tools. Flawlessly converts Mailbox folders,Address Book, Journals, Tasks, Attachments and otherLotus Notes components in same manner by maintaininghierarchy. Try the demo version first to evaluateprocess of Migration from Lotus Notes to Exchange,Software allows only first fifteen data conversion.After satisfied with demo version get the full licensedversion available at very low cost range $599.