MVSP - A MultiVariate Statistical Package - Version 3.13 MVSP is a program for Windows that performs a variety of ordination and cluster analyses. It provides an inexpensive yet easy means of analysing your data in fields ranging from ecology and geology to sociology and market research. MVSP is in use at hundreds of sites in over 60 countries.MVSP performs several types of eigenanalysis ordinations: principal components (PCA), principal coordinates (PCO), and correspondence/detrended correspondence analyses (CA/DCA). It also does canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), a technique highly popular in ecological studies. It can also perform cluster analysis, using 20 different distance or similarity measures and seven clustering strategies. A dual clustering option lets you produce dendrograms of both variables and cases in one step, along with a copy of the original data matrix, sorted in the same order as the dendrograms. Constrained clustering may also be performed, so that the original input data order is maintained. Diversity indices may be calculated on ecological data; these include Simpson's, Shannon's, and Brillouin's indices.The number of cases and variables that can be analysed is limited only by the amount of memory available to Windows (RAM and hard disk swap file), up to a maximum of 2 billion cases and variables.