MergeExcel - Version 1.0 MergeExcel is software created specially for analysts and managers working with data. What are the employees of your company working on? How do they spend the money of your company? Which resources do you need to use in order to reach the result planned? MergeExcel will help you answering such questions. MergeExcel extends possibilities of the well-known office program allowing to combine several files of MS Excel with identical structure, and - the most important thing - to analyse and edit information in a unique pivot table, and to export the changed data back to source files. Two latter functions, which MS Excel lacks, allow users of MergeExcel to solve such tasks as - analysis of resources- analysis of working plans and results of associates- inventory making and warehouse rests analysis- and many other. In order to solve such tasks you should send out identical Excel documents to employees, ask them to fill it in and combine the ready documents in MergeExcel. The next step consists of work with a united data. You can carry out the analysis, add comments or change the data. MergeExcel allows you to save changes in initial documents which further can be returned to employees for further work. You also can save the united document as a separate file.MergeExcel will be especially interesting for companies which do not have "huge" information systems, but at the same time work with various data. Other companies will find the work with MergeExcel convenient because MergeExcel helps get fast solution so it can cope with tasks difficult for "bigger" programs.The work with MergeExcel is simple. To get the result you need only to press several buttons.