Migrate SQL Server to MySQL - Version MSSQL to MySQL database converter applicationefficiently and easily converts selected databasetable’s records or entire database. MSSQL to MySQLdatabase conversion software supports all majordatabase attributes like unique keys, default nullvalue and primary keys. MSSQL to MySQL databaseconversion tool is easy, non-destructive and read-onlysoftware that provides the user to fastest way ofconverting MSSQL created database records into MySQLdatabase records in few minutes. MSSQL to MySQLconverter program converts entire database recordswithout loss of additional information of database.MSSQL to MySQL database convertor tool supports Windowsoperating system including Windows XP, NT, 2000 andWindows 7. MSSQL to MySQL database converter tool iseasy to use and installation. MSSQL to MySQL databaseconversion software take less time to convert existingdatabase to MySQL database records format. MSSQL toMySQL database migration software has Graphical UserInterface (GUI) so that user does not require anyspecial technical knowledge to operate this softwarefor converting existing MSSQL database to MySQL database. Features* MSSQL to MySQL database conversion is capable toconvert large database records, selected rows andcolumns into MSSQL database to MySQL database.* MSSQL to MySQL database converter utility ensuresdatabase conversion tool as a best alternate to costlyand time consuming database conversion services.* MSSQL to MySQL database migration applicationprovides easy features of installation or uninstallation.* MSSQL to MySQL database conversion utility providesto save converted database at user specified locationand facilitates to overwrite existing database to MySQLdatabase format.