Official Signs 4 Icon Collection - Version 1 547 Unique and 62.358 icons fully editable vector (ai, xaml, design, swf, fh11) formats and many raster (ico, psd, png, bmp, gif, jpg, icns) formats.Designed for Industrial development, technology and society. Icons can use many different kinds of industries softwares, web sites..Next-generation Icons for web and Windows.Developers and designers with a unified programming model for building rich Windows smart client user experiences that incorporate user interface, media, web and documents.Graphics Vector formats includedAdobe Illustrator (.ai), Microsoft Design (.design) Xaml (.xaml), Adobe Flash (.swf) Adobe Freehand (.fh11)Graphics Raster formats ( Normal, Hot, Disabled States)includedIcon (.ico), Adobe Photoshop Layered(.psd) Portable Network Graphics (.png), Bitmap (.bmp), Mac Icon (.icns), Jpeg (.jpg), Graphics Interchange Format