Open Office Document Recovery - Version 2.0 Repair is the process to get beck your data or anythingelse (which is corrupted due to any reasons) in theoriginal form. ODT is the file extension of Open OfficeWriter. Suppose your ODT file gets corrupt and showserror messages due to following reasons: You can getback your data using repair tools" Virus attacks or Trojan infections" Format conversion or media errors " Improper System Shutdown or power failure " Corruption of software or hardware malfunctions " Alliance of .odt files with some other authoring softwareThe one of the foresight reason are enough to corruptODT file. Some error messages appeared while you areopening Open Office Document, if your ODT file gotcorrupted. Some of these are as follows:" The file is corrupt and therefore cannot be reopened.Should repair the file?" General Input/Output Error " The file could not be repaired therefore cannot beopened SysTools Open Office Writer Recovery is one thesolution to come out this kind of problem and give youa fresh copy of corrupted ODT file. SysTools OpenOffice Writer Recovery can repair ODF File. It is safeand secure way to Repair ODT file. You can easily usethis and get back your import document that had beencorrupted and become unusable. Software offers you tosave ODT file into either .odt file or .rtf file. Asper your requirement, you can choose and process ahead.Any issue regarding Software can easily sort out bySupport team. You can also download Demo version fromSysTools sites for trial and preview your recovereddocument. For saving, you can purchase licensed versionat just $29.