PDA Forensics Tool - Version Smartphone investigative utility examines your entirePocket PC cell phone configuration information such asOS registry information, IMEI (International MobileEquipment Identity), IMSI number (International MobileSubscriber Identity), battery status, mobile modelnumber, signal quality, contact names contained on simcard. PDA surveillance investigator tool helps severalforensic departments where tracking of mobile phoneinformation is the only clue to resolve several cases.Cell phone investigative software provides some advancefeatures like file filtering and search functionalitywhich allows you to sort through thousands of files toquickly and efficiently. Smartphone forensics examinerutility offers analysis of entire system memory andshow complete display information about physical andvirtual memory available in your mobile phone. PocketPC investigative software supports all windows basedoperating systems such as 98, NT, ME, 2000, 2003server, XP (home, professional and media centeredition) and Vista. Utility provides easy hard copyprints of all analyzed data, so user can gather it forlater use. Pocket PC forensics software supports allSmartphone brand names available in market. Features:*PDA surveillance software conveniently collects allgeneral and complex information about your windowsbased mobile phone.* Smartphone forensic tool can easily print everyconfiguration detail on to any paper by using normalprinter.* Pocket PC forensics application play major role inresolving several cases where crime had taken placewith the help of mobile phone.* Utility is highly interactive, so no need to have anytechnical knowledge to operate.