PDAPacMan GamePack (eXtreme & Classic) - Version 1.0 eXtreme PDAPacman1. PacXtreme GamePackage Selector: Select the package of levels to play.Level SelectorHighScoresDirection Key SetUpGame Speed: Adjust the game speedDifficulty level: Customize ghost aggresivity levelMove PacMan with the pen!Extensive number of Worlds to playCookies counter2. PacXtreme DesignerPDAPacXtreme Designer is a drawing tool used to create World Packages to be used by PDAPacXtreme game on your PocketPC. The PDAPacXtreme Designer Workshop has almost the same Paint Microsoft® program components.SRC="http://www.pdaadvanced.com/assets/images/DisenaAnim.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="PDA Advanced - PDAPacXtreme Designer">Classic PDAPacMansrc="http://www.pdaadvanced.com/SiteImg/PDAPacMan.gif" border="0">The most fabulous and real version of the classic PacMan game, that allows you to experience the controlled emotion of the challenge of new levels with the best speed and sounds. Be aware of the ghosts, they are behind you.Great DisplayHighScore: Statistics of played games.Direction Key SetUpGame Speed: Adjust the game speed (Fast, Medium, Slow).Difficulty level: Customize ghost aggresivity level (High, Medium and Low)Cookies counterImproved Performance