PTool - Version 0.94 ptool094.exe perform the following tasks: a)Netlist comparator: Supporting Allegro, Mentor, Tango/Accel and Pads PCB format. Very usefull to verify that what you are getting in the netlist after some changes, is actually what you wanted. Part List comparator: Is the perfect compliment for the netlist comparator. It generates a report with the value chages in the component list given two component/netlist files. Suported formats same than above. b)BOM postprocessor: Follow the methodology explained in the documentation of the software and you will never have to edit a BOM again. It handles the generation of multiple (customer specific) BOM's from a single Schematic and the possibility of linking the BOM with your component database. It also handles "Non-Stuffed" type components, that will not be included on the BOM c)XDrc: Is a pseudo-expert system that checks your netlist for common mistakes. If you want to avoid spins in your layout, you must have this utility !! It is an extended DRC that works with the netlist and will warn you of problems based on the netlist topology. Special requirements: None. Shareware. Uploaded by the author. Miguel A. Guerrero