Professional Convert OST To PST Software - Version 4.7 Recover Data for OST to PST is a leading emailconversion software, which helps in repairing andrecovering data from damaged and inaccessible OSTfiles. There are en-number of factors that hammers theOST files, such as virus attack, network downtime, logical errors, improper shutdown, data storage limitexceeded, bad sectors in the storage device.Recover Data for OST to PST is a pertinent tool, whichis built up with rich algorithms and comprehensiverecovery techniques to combat loss. This software isdeveloped keeping novice in mind, that's why itprovides a user interface to the user. It is totally arisk-free that fosters absolute conversion and recoveryof inaccessible OST files.A user is just required to Download, Install andfinally Browse the OST files. Thereafter, an intensivescanning begins: this astute software scans the entirePC and provides full-fledged preview of the OST files.A user is then required to select the desired fileswhich he/she wants to restore. Soon after selection offiles; a desired location needs to be provided, whereinthe files can be restored. The software preserves theformatting of the email data throughout therecovery/conversion process, hence recovers RTF, Textand HTML messages with exact formatting.The software has ability to recovers data of any kind,be it a password encrypted email, or attachments,calendar entries, journals, tasks, including emailfields as well. To execute this software is thesimplest task as it does not ask its users to betechnically proficient.However, before purchasing the software, users can alsoavail demo of this OST to PST converter. Demo is thebest platform to adjudge the productivity and richnessof the software. However, demo does not supportsrestoring the files. After getting fully satisfied withthe performance, purchase the complete software toavail desired outcome.