Stealth Activity Monitoring Tool - Version The market of commercial PC monitoring software ishuge. Keylogger software for pc surveillance is nowcommon and very popular with many pc owners who want -and by all means have the right - to know how theircomputers are used. Keylogger software is most oftenapplied for employee monitoring and parental control.It is now clear that information security concerns allof us, whether we like it or not. So Download Parentalcontrol tool that detect everything that is typed onkeyboard, able to work in hidden mode and allows you toinvestigate all things that happens on your PC.Internet parental control software makes easy to recordeverything that your kids does on computer system andhelps to protect PC, records instant messages andkeystrokes. Professional PC monitoring softwarefacilitates user to monitor online chat activities ofchildren, employees and prevent them misuse and accessof unauthorized sites. Keyboard recorder tool allowsyou to find out everything that happens on PC in yourabsence. Keystroke logger utility records systeminformation, user activities and keeps it in topassword protected log files. Invisible key logger toolmonitors everything happening on your PC whether athome or in office when you were away. Family Key loggersoftware records all application that running on yourcomputer system. Employee activity monitoring softwaremonitors all user accounts and allows keeping tracktext, email, chat conversation etc. Remote keyloggerutility monitors and records the every detail of yourcomputer system and internet activity and provides bestsolution for home families, offices and companies. Features:* Keylogger software tracks and records all userkeyboard activities in hidden log file.* Tool record each key board character includingspecial keys Alt, Shift, Ctrl, Tab etc.* Utility captures all user and kids activities whichmade on your desktop and laptop.* Tool runs under Windows OS such as 98, ME, NT, 2000,2003 server, XP, VIS