Tempusfugit - Version 1 TempusFugit is a small program displaying time in Roman numerals and date in Latin in the Windows systray (near clock).Main features Runs on Windows 95/98/NT 4.0/NT 2000 Display hours, minutes, seconds (or only hours and minutes) in Roman numerals Set Roman script mode (4=IIII, 9=VIIII, etc.) or medieval script mode (4=IV, 9=IX, etc.) Display Latin date in Tooltip.Can choose Roman year (from the foundation of Roma: 753 BC) or Christian year. Set font name, font colour, font size, background colour using a contextual menu (rigth click on the display zone) Warning: the Taskbar must be horizontal (up or down) Language : Latin (settings in English) TempusFugit is freeware