TimeClockWindow - Version 2.0.48 TimeClockWindow - Time Clock Software from ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc. Easily track your employee's time with this easy to use time clock software. Network ready with no extra costs per seat or number of employees. Import and Export from PayWindow. No more managing hours by hand! No more spending half a day trying to add up the employee time and pulling your hair out because of messy employee cards that you can't decipher! Automation with our time clock software is the answer! The best thing about TimeClockWindow is that it has full integration with PayWindow. That means full importing employee, company and departments data from PayWindow and pushing the employee hours direct into PayWindow each payday! The administrator interface of TimeClockWindow gives you all the tools and power you need to set up and manage your employee time records. And for PayWindow users, it's as easy as clicking a few buttons to import your employees from PayWindow! And if you update any employees in PayWindow, simply re-import to refresh the data. The Employee forgets to clock out? You can