Venta4Net - Version 1.51 The Venta4Net ™ software is a network fax and voice messaging solution based on the same technology as well-known single-user VentaFax® software and can be used with Windows 98/Me, NT 4.0, 2000 and XP operating systems. It allows sending faxes and voice messages from any networked computer (client) via the modem (or modems) installed in the single computer (server). Connection between clients and the server is executed under the TCP/IP protocol. There are single line and multiline (up to 32 telephone lines!) versions of servers. The number of supported client workstations is 4 in the basic installation and can be increased. Each task created by users is transferred to the server and is placed in the schedule. The delivery system processes the schedule and performs the message delivery. Access to the message delivery schedule and logbooks depends on user rights. For privacy purposes a client may be denied an access to viewing and editing of another's scheduled tasks and/or log book records. Received messages (depending on settings) can be addressed to one or several users. User rights determine the body of actions that the user is allowed to perform when working with the program, and vise versa, the actions that are not allowed for him or her to perform. User rights also determine the accessibility of specific information. Particularly, access to the message delivery schedule and log books depends on user rights. Public (accessible to all users) and personal phone books and delivery time masks can be used. The software is compatible with a variety of faxmodems. It supports additional capabilities of several modems like caller's number delivery (Caller ID) and distinctive ring service. The time-limited and feature-limited evaluation version of the program is available for testing and studying the interaction between the server and client ends of the program in the local area network as well as for testing the interaction between the program and your faxmodem.