Compact Access Database - Version 11.02.01 MS Access is a database management program of MS OfficeSuite. It is widely used by students, academicians,business professionals and others to store informationin Access Database tables or MDB files. Unexpectedsystem shutdown, virus and spyware programs and crashof Windows server and other factors results corruptionof Access database folders. You can repair inaccessible or corrupt MDB files ofyour local or network drive with Kernel for AccessRepair. This Access database repair utility is providedwith advanced search algorithms that ensure completerecovery of items from corrupt MDB files. Access Database recovery software supports both MDB andACCDB databases of MS Access. This utility helps a userto recover all items such as primary keys, OLE objects,auto numbers, stored procedures, field names and othersstored in MDB/ACCDB files. The software is providedwith two file recovery modes i.e., Standard mode andTemplate mode. Standard mode should be employed to fixminor corruption errors of MDB and ACCDB folders.However, if database recovery with standard mode is notpossible, one should use Template mode. Kernel for Access Repair works on all versions ofMicrosoft Windows such as Windows XP, NT, 2000, Vistaand 7. It also supports Access databases created withMS Access 97, 98, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007 and 2010. Youcan evaluate the key functions of the software in itsevaluation version. However, to save all recoveredAccess database items in your system, you need licensedversion of the software. For more