Web Notifier - Version 1 Take a moment and think about how you use the internet. Do you have favorite websites that you visit frequently? How long does it take you to browse those individual websites? Do you get distracted by ads and other miscellaneous items? How long does it take you to determine what information is new versus what information is old? Do you find yourself spending hours on all of your favorite websites trying to determine if new information is available for you to view? If you find that you waste precious amounts of time doing the useless things in the previous paragraph, then we have the solution for you! Our web notifier software will handle the described time consuming tasks for you automatically. Stop uselessly checking the same websites over and over again for nothing. Let our software handle this task for you. Once our software determines an update has occurred on a website you instructed our software to monitor, a message will appear from your taskbar with the title of the change and allow you to click on the message to be taken to the website. Not only will our software be