Convert Outlook - Version 6.0 Without proper communications channel no organizationcan stand for long. To make communication process morespeedy & effective email clients has served as a veryuseful resource. Earlier MS Outlook is more preferredemail platform but with the invention of Lotus Notesmost of the enterprises are moving towards Outlook toNotes Conversion. Email clients provide permanentstorage to emails so that user easily moves there datafiles from one email client to another. Convert Outlookprogram transfers Outlook to Notes. It means that youremails which is stored in Outlook, easily convertedinto Lotus Notes.The Key Feature of Outlook to Notes is as follows." Configured & Orphan PST, both is supported inconversion time." Support Outlook 2000/2002/XP (ANSI format) &Outlook 2003/2007/2010 (Unicode format)." Complete conversion of Outlook items to Notes." Converted only healthy PST file." Support Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista & Win7" Provide User friendly Interface.15 items of each folder of MS Outlook can be migratedby the demo version of MS Outlook to Notes program.Trial version of Outlook Converter is made available tousers so that they can get familiar with then softwarebefore getting the full version. At $129 you can obtainthe full version of Convert Outlook software & migrateall the Outlook PST files to Lotus Notes NSF file format.