XLS Format Recovery - Version 2.0 MS Excel is one of the most famous software in any bigand small organization due to its featuresavailability. It is used widely by most of the userthat works as a marketing executives, sales executives,accounts maintainers etc. MS Excel provides you tomanage their important data in excel sheet with easyway to analyze, sorting, maintaining and edition ofdata in Excel Sheet then other application software. Ifyou face excel file corruption problem cause of virusattack, system malfunctioning, unexpected shut down orTrojan or worms. Software can be crash or any otherreason resulting in XLS file corruption. Systools XlSFormat Recovery is one of the most popular & easysolution to recover your lost information with withoutany changes of original format. Software recovers allyour lost crucial data information, which can gear upmany of your important operations. SysTools Xls FileRecovery can help you to get your Corrupt Excel Fileand can restore with its original format. SysToolsExcel Recovery recovers Excel files texts, charts,hyperlinks, merged cells, groups, images, numbers,comments, formulas, subtotals along with the names ofthe worksheets and many more. Software successfullysupports all version of MS Excel such as2010/2003/2002/2000/97 & run smoothly on Windows98/ME/XP/2003 & Win 7. It you want to try this software, you can get our demoversion from our site which will help you to get themore information about the software. Demo version isenough to judge the efficiency of the software. Aftergetting the satisfactory response, you can buy XLSFormat Recovery with reasonable price at $49.