How to Move Outlook Contacts - Version 4.0 Easy way to shift Outlook Contacts to vCard, WAB &Excel is Transfer Outlook Contacts Information utility.These advanced utilities easily convert OutlookContacts using vCard. SysTools vCard Export is designedas Outlook Contacts Converter utility. Now you caneasily and quickly Convert Outlook Contacts to vCardwith help of Transfer Outlook Contacts informationtool. SysTools Groups represents a solution named asvCard Export that provides the facility to ConvertOutlook Contacts to some other file format such asvCard, WAB & Excel. As we all knows that MS Outlooksave each item into a single PST file that's why if anycorruption takes place into PST file, you will beunable to read any item of MS Outlook. So that forsecurity purpose we should save our precious contactsto some other format. How to move Outlook Contacts?Some simple steps required to convert Outlook Contacts:1. Open SysTools vCard Export software 2. SelectOutlook PST file (You can either choose "DefaultOutlook Contacts or "Other Outlook File") a. Afterchoosing "Default Outlook Contacts", click "ScanOutlook Contacts" to proceed b. On choosing "OtherOutlook File", click the "Browse" button to proceed.After selecting, click "Scan Outlook Contacts" 3. Tosave the contacts, click the "Save Contacts" button 4.Choose the required file format (VCF/WAB/XLS) andchoose the conversion option (Single vCard File orSeparate vCard File) 5. To initiate the conversionprocess, click the "Start Conversion" button 6. Choosea location to save the contacts and click "OK" SysToolsSoftware also offers you demo version for evaluatingthe features of vCard Export. You can use our demoversion of SysTools vCard Export which is completelyfree. Free outlook contacts converter converts only 15contacts to vCard. After getting the satisfactoryresult, you can purchase personal licensed version ofvCard Export at just $49.