Convert WAB to Excel - Version 2.0 If you want to convert Outlook Express WAB files toExcel because we know Excel is a good option forarranged unlimited contacts like name, phone no, email,address etc. SysTools WAB converter Software helps youfor convert .WAB to .XLS in easily way. Or if you wantto export windows address book to outlook then Our WABconverter Software also help and support you. SysToolsWAB Converter is an advanced and features rich toolthat effectively converts OE WAB contacts to OutlookPST contacts. SysTools WAB Converter tool optimallyconvert .wab to .xls and export wab to outlook aneffective and efficient address book converter toconvert wab to outlook Our Software Supports both ANSIand Unicode file formats. OE contacts can be easilyconverted to MS Outlook versions 97, 98, 2000, 2002 andXP which support the ANSI format and Outlook versions2003 and 2007 which support the Unicode format and thissoftware arranged contacts in alphabetically way in theExcel sheet. WAB to PST Software successfully runs onWindows. 95/98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista and Windows 7.Youcan see how the process of conversion takes place bydownloading the Demo Version which ABSOLUTELY FREE!Demo version will allow you to save first 10 contactsbut this will give you a complete understanding of thesoftware. You can judge and evaluate the softwarebefore buying it finally just at $39.