Export Outlook Contacts to WAB - Version 4.0 Do you want to export Outlook Contacts to WAB? MSOutlook and Outlook Express, both are the popular EmailClient. Where MS Outlook gives mail box, calendar,contacts, tasks etc on the other hand Outlook Expressprovides only mail box and contacts. If you use EmailClient only for sand and receive email, you shouldprefer Outlook Express instead of MS Outlook. There islots of reason like MS Outlook saves each & everyOutlook item information into one PST file. If you needto export Outlook Contacts to WAB, you can use PSTContacts Conversion Tool. SysTools vCard Export is aPST Contacts Conversion tool that converts OutlookContacts to Outlook Express. Software converts allcontacts into WAB file. WAB file is basically used forOutlook Express contacts saving. As the conversionprocess complete, you can access converted Outlookcontacts to Outlook Express. Export PST Contacts fileis safe and secure way of PST Contacts Conversion. MSOutlook Contacts Converter easily converts any versionOutlook PST file contacts. Just install and convert itwithout any difficulty. Try SysTools vCard Export Demoversion. Using Demo version, you can convert PSTContacts information to WAB (15 Contacts at a time). Ifyou want to convert complete Outlook Contacts, buylicensed version of SysTools vCard Export at $49.