SQL Server Database Repair - Version 4.8 We present valuable software that specially produced torepair and fix SQL Server Database by SysToolsSoftware. SQL Server Database that has been corruptedcan be repaired easily with the help of well enhancedSQL Server Database Repair Software. You can use SQLrecovery software to recover each and every file andcan recover all items like: stored procedures, usertables, system tables, views, triggers, rules,predefine values, functions, user data types,constraints etc. Indexes and deleted records can berecovered, use this perfect SQL Server Database Repairutility to repair corrupt SQL Server database (.mdf)files those became damaged due to Virus attacks, powerfailure, bad sector in storage media, human error,media corruption, software or hardware failure etc andshowing following error message: server cannot find therequested database table, the file *.mdf is missing andneeds to restore, the conflict occurred in database 'dbname', table 'table name', column 'column name' thestatement has been terminated, internal error, bufferprovided to read column value is too small, run DBCCCHECKDB to check for any corruption etc. You can usethis software easily because it doesn't require anytechnical skill to perform, this SQL Recovery softwareefficiently reads heavily corrupted or damaged MDFfiles and restore all meta data such as: tables, tabledata, store procedure, views, functions, triggers,predefine rules, user data types etc. You can use thisSQL Server Database Repair Tool to repair data createdusing SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server2008. SysTools SQL Recovery software capably worksalmost on all Windows OS like: Windows98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista and Windows 7. If you stillhave any doubt then make your doubts clear using FreeDemo version of software, after using demo version andgetting satisfaction you can order online at just $129for Personal License and $229 for Business License.