Export vCard - Version 4.0 SysTools vCard Export converts Outlook to vCard,Outlook Express and Excel (Only Outlook Contacts). Aswe know that MS Outlook is an Email client of Microsoftand provides some heterogeneous feature. Due to toomuch functionality which makes it difficult to employeesimple function. If you use Email client for emailingonly than it is beneficial to export Outlook to OutlookExpress. Export vCard from Outlook for contactsconversion with SysTools vCard Export. SysToolsprovides following conversion features:• Export vCard from Outlook: Software provides contactsof Outlook to vCard conversion. vCard VCF formation islargely accepted by other mobile device and softwarelike: Lotus Notes, iPhone, Blackberry etc and manyOperating System.• Export Outlook Express from Outlook: when you exportcontacts of Outlook to Outlook Express, you can easilyaccess these contacts into Outlook Express.• Export Outlook to Excel: Excel is a spread sheetapplication that is useful to sort, manage andconsolidate your Outlook Contacts easily.You can export PST Contacts to any of the given format.It is trouble-free software and provides conversionwith in 3 steps: Browse the file, scan and save into agiven format. For trial, download demo version and foraccess all features of software, purchase licensedversion at $49. You can export 15 contacts using demoversion of SysTools vCard Export.