CSS Generator - Version 1.2 CSSGen is the next generation free CSS creator. You can easily create your own CSS code. It has all visual options - no need to bother about code or syntax and is complete wizard based for easy adaptation. CSS creator generates 100% valid CSS code. Offline code generation - there is no need to be connected to the internet. You can copy the CSS code to use in any web application. It is absolutely FREE to download and use !While all these are the features available absolutely free, the capabilities of CSSGen are not limited to these. You can register your copy of CSSGen to unlock a world of new possibilities. Registering your copy will activate the following new features * Automatically save your created styles as CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) files for future use * Edit the saved CSS files by using the visual wizard; immensely helpful if you need a similar style for another project with just a minor change