MS Outlook Repair - Version 10.10.01 MS Outlook Repair is a stupendous tool designed torepair PST, which has gone corrupt due to reasons likevirus attack, power sabotage, registry corruption,abrupt system shut down, improper use of MS Outlook,exceeding maximum PST storage limit, etc. Reason forthe corruption of PST does not matter when you comeacross data loss because you just want to recover thelost data back. MS Outlook repair tool enables Outlookusers to repair PST and recover lost emails, contacts,drafts, and other mailbox items back with completeaccuracy. In order to repair PST, MS Outlook repair toolextensively and recursively scans the corrupt PST,fetches data from the corrupt file, displays data inleft panel, prompts to preview the data, and thenprompts to save the recovered data on local hard disk,network drive, or USB drive. The recovered data can besaved in PST, MSG, DBX, or EML format so that it can beopened either using MS Outlook or MS Outlook Express.Data saved in PST or MSG format can be accessed withany version of MS Outlook whilst the data saved in formof DBX or EML file can be accessed with any version ofMS Outlook Express. MS Outlook repair tool is available for free downloadas a trial version, which can be utilized to analyzethe software quality and accuracy percentage of therecovered mailbox items. The MS Outlook Repair – PSTrepair tool supports all versions of MS Outlook andWindows operating systems to let you install andexecute the tool for repairing the corrupt PST andgetting the lost data back.