Export Contacts from Outlook - Version 4.0 The use of Emails is going to increase with theupcoming time. It is one of the easiest ways to get intouch with anybody. MS Outlook is a standalone emailapplication works with Exchange servers and MicrosoftSharePoint. However, there are some limitations ofMicrosoft outlook like you can’t share your Outlookcontacts with other E-mail clients or mobile phones. Soto overcome these problems SysTools group is made avery useful software name as “vCard Export”. UsingvCard Export, you can easily export contacts fromOutlook into vCard (VCF) files.vCard is an electronic business cards. vCards are oftenattached with e-mail messages, but can be exchanged inother ways, such as on the World Wide Web. They cancontain names and address information, phone numbers,e-mail addresses, URLs, logos, photographs, and evenaudio clips.SysTools vCard Export is not only convert your contactsinto vCard file but it also allows a user to convertthe PST file into Window address Book(.WAB) which issupported by Microsoft Outlook Express and also intoMicrosoft Excel file. Without software it would be veryhectic and time consuming to manually export contactsfrom Outlook to excel files for busy professionals. Our SysTools group provides a free demo version of thissoftware for the customer satisfaction. You can easilydownload the demo version from vCard Export site. Thecost of the licensed version is just $49.