Outlook to OE Contacts Converter - Version 4.0 As we know, Outlook Express stores address book in WABfile where as MS Outlook stores contacts in PST file.Both the email clients use different format to storeaddress book or contacts. At the time of Contactsconversion you have to use a reliable third party toolto convert contacts file format. Without obtaining anythird party tool it is just impossible to convertOutlook Contacts to other email application. Outlook toOE Contacts Converter is designed to effectivelyconvert contacts file format for contacts conversion oryou can say that it is an easiest way to collectContacts from Outlook. So those users having problem tomanage bulk contacts of Outlook, they can try Outlookto OE Contacts Converter. It can easily convertcontacts from Outlook to Outlook Express within amoment. As the conversion process completes, you canaccess Outlook Contacts through OE. Software is able toConvert ANSI or Unicode PST File information to someother email program. Using this unique facility, youcan easily access contacts from Outlook to OutlookExpress instantly. Software is compatible with allversions of Windows 2007/2003/2002/XP/2000/98. Onething you always remember that while using this tool,any version of MS Outlook must be installed in you PC. SysTools provides demo version to judge the actualfeatures of the software and know more about theworking of the software. Demo version will show you howcan you convert Outlook contacts by converting 15contacts. After getting the satisfactory result, youcan buy licensed of SysTools vCard Export at $49. Anyother help you can concern with software’s supportsection at 24*7. They will help you to make yourconversion process easy and understandable.