Convert Open Office Document to Word - Version 2.0 Open Office Write is a word process and provides somany features for creating documents easily. However,it stills not overcome MS Word. If you want to use ODTfile through any version of MS Word then you canconvert ODT to Word file (RTF file). Just convert ODTto Word file like Doc or RTF using Open Office Writerto Word Conversion Utility. Open Office Writer to DocConversion is designed to read open office file. If youhave an essential data such as text, images, tables,clip art, functions etc in your Open Office Writer fileand need to open this file in your system but you don'thave Open Office Writer in your PC. Without Open OfficeWriter, you do not view information of Open OfficeWriter file. So in this scenario, there is only onesolution to open those files & information withoutinstalling open office writer is to convert Open Officedocument to Word. As you convert Open Office to RTFFile, you can view that data information in MicrosoftWord. You can convert with the use third part toolnamed as SysTools Open Office Writer Recovery. Softwareprovides a recommended method to convert ODT files ofopen office writer to doc file of Ms Word. To open ODTfile inside MS Word, you need to convert ODT file inRTF file & then it converts easily in Doc file or youcan say that software easily convert ODT to Word. ODTto Word Converter can convert both (healthy andcorrupt) ODT files into RTF files. Open Office Writersoftware convert all Meta data like text, images,tables, text formatting, Page header and footers etc.Open Office Writer to Word converter software workswith Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP and Vista. Demo versionof ODT to DOC converter software is available free.Once you are satisfied, purchase the full version ofOpen Office Writer to Word converter software at $29.