Excel File Repair - Version 2.5 Need a perfect solution to repair corrupt ExcelSpreadsheets at a moment? Sometimes when you open yourexcel file it was not in proper file format or someimportant part of it, was missing. Any kind ofcorruption or damage that restricts you to open yourExcel file can be easily repaired using any externalTool. Due to virus attack, trojan infections, mediaissue etc your Excel file gets corrupt and show thefollowing message. * Unable to read this Excel files. * This file is not in a recognizable format. * EXCEL.exe has generated errors and will beclosed by Windows. You will need to restart theprogram.An error log is being created.Excel file recovery tool is a successful Excel recoveryprogram that supports to recover and repair .xls filewhich is saved in MS Excel 95 to 2010. The questionalways bother you are that how could you gets back yourdata which you saved in Excel file. You do notunderstand which tool will help you and repair yourexcel file without having any trouble. You do not needto tense anymore. Excel file repair is an XLS repairtool to recover and repair corrupt or damaged Excel(.xls) files. Excel file repair utility is a absolutesolution to repair corrupt XLS file as it recovers andsaves texts, numbers, charts, images from corrupt Excelworksheets. You can rebuild corrupt XLS file in instantway with SysTools Excel file repair tool. Softwarerecovers all the sheets of Excel file & restores theoriginal structure of multi sheets. MS Excel RepairSoftware is platform independent software andsuccessfully runs with all versions of windows. Toevaluate software’s working you can download the freedemo version from our website. This version will give apreview of the recovered files. Get Full licensedversion of Excel Repair tool in a very low pricestarting at $49 to repair corrupt excel files.