Recover Outlook Emails - Version 14.09 PST corruption is a matter of concern for all MSOutlook users. File header structure corruption, filesexceeding the 2 GB size limit, and virus attack makethe PST corrupt and items inaccessible. Accidentaldeletion of emails also is a problem. Sometimes Outlookbehaves abnormally and displays error messages like‘Outlook.pst file cannot be found,’ ‘Errors have beendetected in file path,’ ‘Outlook.pst file cannot befound’ etc. A one-stop solution to all these issues isRecoveryFIX for Outlook. RecoveryFIX for Outlook, a smart and user friendly toolto recover outlook emails, recovers emails and otheritems form corrupt PST file. It can easily recoveremails, calendar, tasks, appointments, and items. Inorder to scan the corrupt PST and to recover Outlookemails, it uses an advanced algorithm. The recovereditems are available for a preview. It allows Outlookusers to filter by date for selective recovery. Thenthey can be saved in different formats like PST, EML,or MSG. This tool can be used even withpassword-protected PST files.It is quite easy to use RecoveryFIX for Outlook. Youcan move from one step to another just by reading theinstructions on its screen. It supports Outlook 2013,2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, and 2000 versions. To knowmore, you can download its free version after goingthrough the installation requirements. For moreinformation, visit