Delete File - Version 11.04.01 Files and folders with secret content are at a risk ofgetting misused in a destructive manner if not properlymanaged. The only way to protect classified materialfrom illegal or unauthorized usage is to delete thempermanently. Permanent deletion is only possible if thefile is removed from the system’s hard disk. Shreddingthe data file is one method to delete files and folderspermanently from computer’s memory. For this, shreddingsoftware such as Kernel File Shredder can be used. Thisshredding tool is used to delete files and folderswhich should not be recovered by any third party.Kernel File Shredder offers optimum solution forpermanently removing files and folders from computer’shard disk. This software uses advanced data shreddingalgorithms to delete files and folders as per theirdata sensitivity. Algorithms like S Army AR380-19 (3passes), Peter Gutmann (35 Passes), DoD 5220 + PeterGutmann, and German VSITR (7 Passes) facilitatesaccurate and unrecoverable file deletion from thesystem. This software provides different options tocompletely delete files and folders from the systembeyond recovery. With the help of these options, userscan shred files and folders located at anywhere oncomputer’s hard disk and recycle bin. This software iscapable of shredding temporary files, Internettemporary files, Internet cookies, useless files andfree hard disk space. Complete shredding history issaved by this software for future reference. However,it is important that the data to be deleted resides onthe system’s hard disk and not on the network drive orsome other external storage device like PEN drive.Kernel File Shredder allows users to create shreddingtasks and schedule them so as to delete filesautomatically at fixed times. This impeccable softwarecan be password protected so that it cannot be misusedby person(s) other than the authorized user to deletefiles. visit: