Outlook Express Email Recovery - Version 9.04.01 Use Kernel for Outlook Express Recovery to repair DBXfiles that are damaged. Outlook Express DBX files oftenget corrupt due to issues like abrupt system shut down,viruses, registry errors, Outlook Express profiledamage, etc. Due to these reasons, index structure ofthe DBX file gets damaged due to which Outlook Expressgets failed to recognize the file as the valid DBX file. When OE is failed to verify the file, emails, contacts,notes, calendars, drafts, etc. stored within the filebecome inaccessible causing data loss. In suchsituation, the user has only two ways to recover thelost data. First, restoring backup of the corrupt DBXfile and second, Outlook Express Email Recovery. If you consult a data recovery expert, you aresuggested to go with the first method of emailrecovery, because that is the best and quickest methodto recover lost data. However, there can be a case whenyou do not have backup. At that particular time,Outlook Express Email Recovery remains the onlysolution to overcome the lost data. Kernel for Outlook Express Recovery is one the bestemail recovery solutions available online. The softwarescans the damaged DBX file, recovers all data from it,and displays the data preview. After all of the data isrecovered, you can save it to computer’s hard disk atdestined location. Once the data is saved at computer’shard disk, you can access it with any version ofOutlook Express.The software supports all versions of Outlook Expressand can be installed to Windows 7, Windows Vista,Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows 2000, and earlierversions.