OST to PST Converter Free - Version 11.03 OST files allow Outlook users to work in offline modewhen the connection between Outlook and MS ExchangeServer is disrupted. Using OST files, users can accesstheir user accounts present in the server database,even if the server is down. This is possible because,OST files contain the exact replicas of Exchange Serveruser mailbox accounts from which users can access theiremails and other items. When connection isre-established between MS Outlook and MS ExchangeServer, changes made in the user mailbox during offlinework gets synchronized with the server databaseaccount. However, when connection with Exchange serverbecomes permanently severed, OST to PST conversion isrequired. In the absence of a dedicated connection,user account authentication and data synchronizationfails. Hence, changes made in the OST files and in turnin user mailboxes become inaccessible. OST to PSTconverter free tools enable users to view theirmailboxes complete with the offline work, even whenExchange Server is not available. These tools areprimarily used to open and access the contents oforphaned or corrupt OST files. Common factors whichmake OST files orphan are Exchange server crash,permanently snapped connection, hardware failure at theserver’s end, Exchange database corruption and useraccount deletion in server database. OST to PSTconverter free tools like RecoveryFix for OST, howeveropen the orphaned OST files and extract all their datato make user accounts re-accessible. Since OST filescannot be accessed using MS Outlook, these toolsconvert OST to PST format. Upon conversion, all theemails, email attachments, personal folders and itemslike contacts, calendar, address book, etc gets savedin a PST file. OST to PST conversion maintains dataintegrity without changing the metadata, format,properties and data structure of OST files. For moreinformation please visit www.osttopstfreeware.com