Event Log Viewer - Version 11.01.01 Event logs are generated in systems running on WindowsOS version NT, 2000 and XP. The logs generated areabout application events, security events and systemevents. Detailed information about these event logs canbe obtained by the event log viewer, an applicationprovided by Windows. Windows event log viewer containsdetailed information such as event type, their source,the date and time of their occurrence along with thecause. With the help of Windows events log monitortool, users can keep a tab on all the Windows based andW3C based events to know about errors and problematicsituations. However, the error messages and causeswhich are displayed with event logs are ofteninconsistent or not very informative. Without gainingfull understanding of Windows event logs,troubleshooting gets tricky. Therefore, an event logsoftware such as Lepide Event Log Manager can be usedto optimize the process of analyzing event logs. Withthe help of a log management tool, it is possible torefine the event log results and filter out events thatare not required. Furthermore, it is possible togenerate dedicated event reports concerning a warningmessage, an error message or even a success auditreport. Windows log management also helps in trackingW3C events over an entire network where severalcomputers are configured. All these features help inaccurate event log reporting which can be further usedfor resolving security problems. Another benefit ofWindows event log monitoring system is that it helps inauditing the security compliance reports oforganizations thus ensuring that security standards arestrictly followed. For more details about Windows eventlog viewer, you can check out: www.eventlogviewer.com