Kernel Yahoo Archive Reader - Version 11.09.01 Kernel Yahoo Archive Reader is one such effectivearchive viewer that has been devised in such aneffective manner that it can recover and decode allYahoo chat archive files (.dat files) that aregenerally created automatically and stored at thecomputer’s hard disk. It may be small, but turns outquite effective when a user wants to read archive files(.dat) without any login and password. The tool acts asan ideal messenger that reads Yahoo! Messenger archivefiles (.dat files) and presents them in a format thatany user can read. Using this Yahoo Archive Reader a user can read chatconversation, conferences, private messages andSMS/Mobile Message, all of them without facing anyproblem. Easy to install and operate, this Yahoomessenger archive decoder facilitates any user to havea very clear preview and examine Yahoo chat record ofany person. This Kernel Yahoo Archive Reader is verymuch compatible with all versions of Yahoo and works onwindows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista and 2010. Apartfrom this, by making the proper use of this softwareyou can save the decoded chat conversation in HTMLformat at any specified safe location. Moreover, thetool possesses a very interactive GUI that makes itvery user-friendly. To know more about this product andits other essential features,