EDB to PST Freeware - Version 11.05.01 Kernel for Exchange Server is the professional, simple,and stupendous solution to repair EDB file damaged dueto logical and physical reasons like power sabotage,virus, hardware issue, etc. The software meticulouslyscans the corrupt EDB file and recovers all mailboxesfrom it. The EDB to PST software recovers each andevery item from the corrupt EDB file includingpermanently deleted emails. The software displays preview of the emails, contacts,notes, tasks, journals, calendars, drafts, etc. storedin the mailboxes fetched from the corrupt EDB file. Thepreview feature of the software helps you to analyzethe quality of the data recovered before making apurchase. Yes, you can evaluate the software free. Thefree version of the EDB to PST software allowspreviewing the users’ mailboxes. Once you have previewed the data, you can save it toPST files, however, for that, full version of the EDBto PST software needs to be purchased. Using thissoftware, you can create one PST file for every usermailbox. The PST files so created can be accessed usingany version of MS Outlook, such as 97, 98, 2000, XP,2003, 2007, and 2010. You can also save all recoveredmailboxes to an EDB file, which can be mounted directlyon Exchange Server. Supported versions of ExchangeServer are 5.0, 5.5, 2000, 2003, 2007, and 2010.