MS PST Repair Tool - Version 6.5 PDS introduce advanced features based MS PST RepairTool which recover corrupt MS Outlook PST files. MSOutlook is a popular email client which provides manyfeatures to store and manage huge volume of emails andalso have ability to communicate mail massages and datasafely from one place to another place. SometimesOutlook PST file gets corrupted due to somecircumstances such as- *When virus attack, *Exceed the 2 GB file limit *Software and hardware failure *Run time error *Header corruption *Improper Outlook shut down etc. If you are facing such types of above problems andwant to get back pst files then try best PDS PSTRecovery Tool which gives you 100% assistance to repairoutlook PST file. Microsoft PST repair tool canautomatically extract PST file and restore corrupt PSTfile in new working PST. Outlook PST email recovery canimmediately and efficiently recover outlook mailboxwith all the mail messages, attachments, journals,appointments, task, calendar, inbox, contacts, personalfolders, send items etc. PDS PST file repair softwarehaving nice and perfect scanning processes to fixcorrupt PST file form different Microsoft Outlookversions such as: - 97, 2000, XP, 2003 and 2007. MS PSTrepair tool having some excellent features as follows- * Rapidly restore corrupt PST file in new PST file. * Automatic scanning process. * Recover all emails, attachments, task, contacts,calendar, appointments, spam folder, inbox, send items etc. * Instantly recover 2GB PST file. * Fully support different MS Outlook versions like:- 97/2000/XP/2003 and 2007. * Facility of install and install process. Demo version of Microsoft PST Repair tool helps torepair pst file and show you the preview of recoveredPST file. After complete satisfaction with the demosoftware, Purchase full licensed pack and restore PSTemails instantly.