Perfect Data Solutions PST Repair - Version 6.5 MS Outlook widely used by various corporate, firms &organization for email management. MS Outlook storesvarious kinds of information like emails/contactlists/notes/calendar entries etc in single .PST file.Sometimes while working on Microsoft Outlookunintentionally or due to any other reason, Outlookemails & all other items may get inaccessible. At thatcondition your .PST file gets corrupted & MS Outlookdid not provide any other way to regain your importantoutlook emails. Now at these circumstances, PerfectData Solutions PST Repair helps you out to recoveroutlook emails & rebuild trouble free .pst file. PDSMicrosoft PST Recovery utility, without difficultyrepair & fix oversized pst file (2gb outlook file) &retrieve outlook email in new working .PST file.PST Repair utilities is an powerful & most trustworthyOutlook PST Recovery or MS Outlook Recovery softwarethat takes very slight time to repair corrupt pst file& fix outlook email corruption & rebuild pst file thatis easily open in MS Outlook. PST Fix software 100%helpful to extract outlookemail/attachments/calendar/contact lists or groups frominaccessible MS Outlook .pst file. PDS PST File Repaircan solves the following queries:*) how to recover outlook emails?*) how to retrieve outlook contacts?*) how to fix outlook problems?*) how to get outlook email?*) how do i recover outlook files?PDS PST Email Recovery resolves the above situations &get back working outlook .pst file. Outlook repairsoftware automatically transfers all the recoveredoutlook items in configured MS Outlook.Most Important Features:*) Recover outlook personal folder*) Recover Outlookemails/attachments/calendar/notes/tasks/journals etc.*) Software rebuild working pst file, after successfulpst recovery process.*) Recover every mail message properties such as senderemail/name/subject etc*) Repair oversized pst file & extract pst emails*) Supports Microsoft Outlook 2007/2003/2002/2000/97.