Windows 7 Mail to Outlook 2010 - Version 5.8 What you will do when you have to move or shift yourmail messages from Windows 7 Mail / Windows Live Mailto Outlook 2010 mail account? You can do it directlyfor the reason being both the email clients supportsdifferent email extension. So to do this job in aappropriate manner go one step in advance with BirdieEML to PST Converter; a hot solution that make possiblethe email conversion process from Windows 7 Mail toOutlook 2010 effortlessly. Our hot yet best Windows 7Mail to Outlook 2010 Converter solution completelyconverts WLM to Outlook 2010 PST format along with allemail properties, settings, folders, formatting, etc.To convert the entire eml files of Windows 7 mail toOutlook 2010, you just have to follow some simple stepslike; 1. Install the software, 2 .Browse EML files orEML folders 3. Convert the EML files (by clicking theConvert Messages button). So by using the easy stepsyou can access all your Windows 7 mail email files inOutlook 2010 pst format. By the means of this WindowsLive Mail Converter program you can also convertnumerous numbers of emails from Windows Live to Outlook2010 as it's completely supports batch conversionprocess at single time. Download eml2pst demo edition;free to see its working process, it has somelimitations like; it will convert only 10 emails atsingle time to batch convert emails from Windows 7 Mailto Outlook 2010 you have to purchase the licensedversion of the tool which is only available at $ 49.00.We assured our all valuable users that Birdie EML toPST Converter or you can also call it now Windows 7Mail to Outlook 2010 Converter never let you down whileconverting your emails from .eml format to .pst extension.