IT Asset Management Software - Version 10.12.01 For any organization, IT is extremely important totimely track all the available IT resources, especiallythe software install and maintain a proper inventory.In addition, organizations must ensure that theavailable software has valid licenses and that thereare no unauthorized installation in any department. Allthese processes come under software or IT assetmanagement and are very essential for IT audits.Failing in adhering to these procedures often posedifficulties in getting software compliances and adhereto the license agreements put forth by the vendors.Moreover, if organizations are found guilty withunlicensed or unauthorized IT assets, they becomeliable to criminal offense.In order to ease out the process of managing allavailable software as well as their licenses, IT assetmanagement software are being used. software likeLepide Software Asset Management are exceptionallyhelpful for organizations in terms of discovering thesoftware and other IT assets, map them with theirlicenses, identify the licensed assets with theunauthorized ones, streamline transactions withsoftware vendors and avoid external IT audits.IT asset management software help with softwaretracking, license management, inventory management,report generation and executing audits. On top of all,tools like Lepide Software Asset Management helporganizations get compliant as per the strictregulatory acts imposed by software vendors and similarbodies. With proper asset management system,organizations are able to cut down expenditure andoverheads due to over-licensed software installation,which ultimately boost up the infrastructure. Also,with effective IT asset management software,organizations are able to generate accurate reportsabout their resources and licenses which help duringauditory procedures. For more information