Domain Services - Version Affordable domain service provides affordable andeconomical domain name registration facility to forwardunlimited emails to other customers and clients. InShared web-hosting service space and cost of servermaintenance is divided among many websites thus it isan affordable and cost effective way of web hosting.Dedicated hosting server provides full bandwidth andentire space to single website for business hostingthus ensures the high security. Managed hosting isresponsible for proper functioning of server, networkservice and data centre. It is beneficial for clientsand customers. Reseller hosting provides secure,reliable and cost effective way to attract large numberof people. It helps in increasing the revenue of thecompany at the reasonable price. Account holder usesallotted bandwidth and hard drive space on the behalfof third party. t provides effective hosting undertheir company names. Domain Services for web- hostingis available at company for the personal aswell as for business website. Domain name is offeredwith additional services like free email account, DNSmanagement, privacy protection, domain theftprotection, unlimited theft protection and easy to usecontrol panel. It provides cheap domain name search forsale all over world. Domain services are available forboth Linux and window users with unlimited disk space,unlimited data transfer and email account facility.Features*Dedicated server provides more space and security tocomplex business.*Reseller increases business revenue by hosting websiteunder company names.*Domain name services provide free email account, DNSmanagement, unlimited mail forward and privacy protection.*Shared domain name hosting provides cost effectivemean of web hosting, where many websites shares cost ofserver maintenance.