How to Create Gmail Backup - Version 1.1 SysTools development, Gmail backup tool is the besttool to know how to create Gmail backup of emails. Thisis the tool that has ability to backup in .eml and .pstfile format with providing advanced backup optionslike: date wise backup, incremental backup, full backupetc. If you are using this utility to create Gmailbackup tool then, it can be advantageous for you inthat case when you lost the accessibility of Gmailowing to some reasons. And it has proved to be aresourceful help for those users who are using Gmailemails for communication with each other and it alsosaves all the attachments also. Gmail backup tool hasbeen developed in simplified mode that provides youease to protect Gmail emails from unwantedissues/deletion of emails. Trial version product allowsyou back up of first 100 emails of Gmail but you caneasily get its full access by paying just $12.