USB Recovery - Version USB Recovery software easily salvage your accidentallyerased memorable photos, songs mp3, mp4, images, moviesclip, audio video files that are stored in removabledisk drive. File restoration software safely revivesall your crucial pictures from formatted or reformattedportable storage media drive in just minimum time spamwithout applying any technical knowledge. USB Recoveryprogram consists of simple and easy steps to salvageaccidentally erased data from undetected removablemedia storage drive. Removable disk data recoveryprogram effectively recuperates damaged documentserased due to virus infection, hardware corruption, OSfailure, partition error etc. USB flash drive recoveryutility supports all major brands of mass storagedevices including Kingston, Moser Bear, Sand Disk,transcend, Sony etc. Pen drive recovery software easilyrevive lost files with support to all capacities of USBdrives like 512MB, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB and 8GB etc. Filerestoration program from www.usbrecovery.bizfacilitates preview of all recovered images which areaccidently deleted or lost from your detachable diskdrive. Restoration application supports all types offiles formats like jpeg, tiff, wmf, png, gif etc foreffective image recovery purposes. Features:*USB data recovery software restores all formattedfiles and folders even if Drive Not Detected errormessage is displayed on PC.* USB Recovery software has user friendly GUIfacilities all types of users to rescue all theirdeleted or lost data.* Removable drive image restoration program support allmajor versions of windows operating system like windows7, XP, Vista etc. *Thumb drive data recovery application supports allmajor brands of USB drive with effective and completefiles restoration results.