Converting OE Contacts to Outlook - Version 3.0 Do you want to Converting Outlook Express Contacts toOutlook or Changing Outlook Express Contacts toOutlook? If yes, then used WAB Exporter software toconvert contacts and groups information from OutlookExpress into outlook and technical, nontechnical usersused this software without any external helps.Converting Outlook Express Contacts to Outlook processeasily import contacts, export contacts, changecontacts, transfer contacts, move contacts from OutlookExpress to Outlook. Converting Outlook Express Contactsto Outlook program has some important features for userunderstanding such as- program allows user to convertWAB into PST 2007, 2010, 2003 and 2000 without anydifficulty, software workable on all window platforms(Window 7, Window XP and Window Vista).this programpresent free demo facility to convert only 5 contactsfrom WAB to PST. If you interested want to more thanpurchase software at $49.