Uniblue Powersuite 2013 - Version Boost your PC and keep it running at its best with Uniblue's full performance solution, Powersuite 2013. Optimize your PC; gain more speed and stability, as well as better performance and maintenance in one easy-to-use package. Uniblue Powersuite 2013 will:-Find out what is slowing down your PCWith one click, start a full system scan to discover how to optimize your system and identify refinements that can be made, such as removing invalid registry entries, unused processes, junk files and outdated drivers;-Make your PC fasterCustom speed tools sharpen your PC speed by managing CPU resources, boosting software and thumbnail image launches & decreasing start menu launch times;-Clean up, gain spacePowersuite 2013 cleans unnecessary items, such as junk files and old backups which take up space and can slow