Keylogger - Version Data manager software facilitates users to economicallytracks and capture overall unauthorized users PCperformed activities details. Keylogger program offerusers to trace entire online chat conversation detailsand received or composed instant message informationdone by using various service providers includingGoogle chat, yahoo messenger, Skype Messenger, MSNmessenger, Orkut, Face book, Twitter, Bing, BigString,AOL, MySpace and many more. GUI functionality enablesusers too frequently with keylogger application withoutrequiring any technically specialized training orprofessionally expert guidance for enable users to easily monitor entireexternal users’ activities performed on computer systemor laptop including pressed each and every keyboardkeys details (such as username, password, user id etc),accessed windows applications like Microsoft wordfiles, excel spread sheets, presentation files,important project reports, text documents and manyothers when you are not present. PC data monitoringutility offer user to run software in complete hiddenor stealth mode and remains invisible from add orremove program list, installation files and folders,personal computer screen, short cut icons, program menufile, desktop, task manager and others.Features:* Keylogger software offer users to prominently recordoverall external user performed internet activitiesdetails in easiest way.* PC data manager application offer users toconveniently generate reports of recorded encryptedlogged files in two different graphical file formatincluding html or text.* Affordable Keylogger utility is beneficial fordifferent sectors including schools, colleges, cybercafé, software companies, business enterprises,computer labs, system administrator and various others.