Thumb Drive Recovery - Version Thumb Drive Recovery utility enables users to get backofficial documents and other valuable data in theiroriginal format from virus/ worm infected thumb drivewithout any special hardware requirement at reasonablecost. Simply download data recovery tool free to recover damaged,formatted, reformatted, crashed, corrupted or erasedfolders from USB drive without any data loss inaffordable manner. Easy to operate drive recoverysoftware developed to easily retrieve permanentlydeleted pictures, images, photos, music, text and otherprecious files within minimal time or effort from flashdrive which is lost due to hardware failure data lossreason. Use picture recovery application to regainfully crashed wedding, birthday photographs from virusinfected pen drive or various types of removablestorage drive within their original quality andfacilitates to get back missing video clipping fromjump drive missed due to accidental file deletion. Ifwant to know how to retrieve crashed official filesfrom thumb drive then try USB drives recovery programprovides fast restoration of logically formatted orreformatted crucial data without facing any complexityin comprehensive way. Picture recovery program isspecially designed to restores damage game, slides,MS-Access database applications or PowerPointpresentations from accidentally crashed handy drivewithout any file loss in comprehensive manner.Features:*Thumb drive recovery utility regains logicallymisplaced digital pictures or official data from pendrive. *Advance thumb drive recovery program helps to get backaccidentally formatted files within affordable mannerfrom USB drive.*Drive recovery software developed to recover crashedbusiness or personal files from thumb drive without anyproblem.