Pub1 EDB to PST - Version 16.0 Kernel for Exchange Server program features advancedQFSCI algorithms to repair damaged EDB and STM files ofExchange user mailboxes and restore them accuratelywithout altering the data integrity. In fact, thispub1 EDB to PST conversion tool allows you to addmultiple EDB files simultaneously for quick recoveryand migration of Exchange user mailboxes. To repaircorrupt files, the program provides two smart scanningmodes: standard scan ad advanced scan. Standard scanmode is specifically designed to handle minorcorruption problems, whereas advanced scan is availableto repair the damages for severe and stubborncorruption issues. It can successfully restorelost/deleted email and other mailbox items during therecovery and highlight them in red color for quick useridentification.After performing the recovery, it displays the list ofrecovered items in a list-like structure whilemaintaining the original data hierarchy. This pub1 EDBto PST converter also facilities the option to exportspecific files using the various inbuilt filter fieldslike items type, include/exclude and date range. Thereare additional options like ‘split PST file after’, and‘create a Unicode PST’, when you wish to save EDB inPST formats. Analyze the actual behavior and response of the utilityby downloading its trial version. The pub1 EDB to PSTtool can accept all versions of EDB/STM files createdusing any version of Exchange Server:2016/2013/2010/2007/2003/2000/5.5 and 5.0. Also, thetrial version can convert first 25 data items ofExchange database files to PST files (of any Outlookversion including 2016) for completely free. Get toknow more here: