Recovery EDB - Version 13.02.01 Generally, Exchange Server EDB database files undergovarious issues due to different possible reasons likedirty shutdown, jet engine errors, mailbox deletion,corrupted header information, etc. that makes the usermailbox either corrupt, damaged or inaccessible. Inorder to handle such serious Exchange issues, LepideExchange Recovery Manager Tool has been devised, whichacts as proficient EDB recovery software. Thiseffective tool first analyses the Exchange corruptionlevel, repairs it and then recovers the corruptedmailbox items (Inbox, contacts, journals, tasks,calendar, distribution lists, etc.) of EDB and thenmigrate EDB to PST mailbox. With the help of thisutility, the administrator can migrate multiplemailboxes from EDB to either a newly created PST or analready existing PST. In fact, Lepide Exchange RecoveryManager is a solution to recover data in case ofexchange server corruption. It provides correctExchange server EDB recovery even if the backup of datais not available. In addition, it also repairs privateas well as public EDB files, etc. Also, it is capableof handling severe corruption issues such as checksumerrors and dirty shutdown conditions. You can alsocreate and migrate multiple mailboxes concurrently.After recovering EDB files, it provides the options toimport or export emails, to save the repaired EDB filein EDB or PST format. Moreover, now the utility alsofacilitates you with save search criteria, extractcomplete or required portion of online or offlinebackup from NT backup, Symantec backup, VERITAS backupand HP backup. Besides this, the product also supportsMS Exchange 2013, Outlook 2013 and MS Office 365 also.For more information please visit: