Free Groupwise to Office 365 - Version 12.08.01 In order to perform email migration from GroupWise toOffice 365 in an efficient and effective manner,choosing reliable third party tool is the best option.Among various tools present in the market, KernelOffice 365 migrator for GroupWise is the most preferredtool. By using this tool, you can effortlessly migrateGroupWise mailboxes to Office 365 & get a betteremailing experience through cloud computingenvironment. The advanced algorithms equipped withinthe tool make possible to the free GroupWise to Office365 conversion. It also has the capability tosuccessfully convert single or multiple mailboxes tocloud with the help of two different options: SingleGroupWise mailbox migration and Multiple GroupWisemailbox migration.Further, Single GroupWise mailbox migration containssix sub modes like: default mode, login mode, onlinemode, caching mode, remote mode, and command mode. Anyparticular type of email item (Mail, Tasks, Calendarand Contacts) can also be converted by this emailconversion software quickly. Furthermore, migration ofGroupWise emails within specific date range can also becarried out by the given option in the tool. Theinteractive, GUI and self-explanatory features of thetool makes it unique tool in this range. Thus, usershaving no technical expertise can also work with thissoftware and place their GroupWise email items intoCloud Computing environment. It offers you preview ofthe complete mailbox items in Text or HTML format. Formore details: